Website Accessibility

If you have trouble viewing web pages, the Social Security Administration has tips to assist you. Visit their web site, Some of these include:

If you are deaf or have hearing disabilities, YouTube® provides tips for using screen readers for YouTube® videos:

At Georgia Dental Medicine, we are committed to making our web site accessible to all of our patients, including those with disabilities that may require assistance, unless of course this requires an undue burden upon our practice. Our web pages have been designed to meet or exceed current ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards.

Some of the files provided on this site are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Viewer by visiting:

Actions we have taken to make our web site more accessible include:

If you have a disability and the format of any of our web pages or documents interferes with your ability to access information about us, please contact our office by phone (770) 973-6494.

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